7×7 Blog Award

I have to give a big thanks to Pherisphena Laeda and Kirsten for nominating me for this, because I’m sick today and had no ideas for a post. ¡Gracias, amigas!

Before today I’d never heard of the award, but I guess you’re supposed to address seven things about your blog and then nominate seven other people. Easy enough, right?

1. Most Beautiful Post: Hm, I don’t really think I have any “beautiful” posts, per se. That doesn’t really seem like my style of writing. But I’d probably have to say this post with some of my favorite Bible verses, or this one.

2. Most Popular Post: Apparently, looking at my stats, my post summarizing Fullmetal Alchemist has gotten over a thousand hits. (It’s probably because of that hot picture of Edward that’s on the second page of Google Images.) My post Please Enjoy this Picture of a Llama, which was literally just a picture of a llama, has an embarassingly high number of hits as well.

3. Most Controversial Post: This post, which I’d forgotten I’d written but like quite a lot, talks about the commericalism of Christmas and identifying your priorities. This one’s about people who don’t understand sarcasm, as well as popularity and attracting lust with the clothes you wear. That’s pretty much the extent of the controversy.

4. Most Helpful Post: Since most of my readers are NaNoWriMo participants, I’d like to think that this post about preparing for November, and this post about using “said” instead of a plethora of distracting verbs, are both helpful.

5. Most Surprisingly Successful Post: When I got back from my hiatus over the summer, I got a huge response on the initial post. Maybe part of that is because it was called “I’m Back (And how my computer was probably used for Russian drug trafficking by the IT guy)”. It was mostly me rambling and making excuses, so I didn’t think many people would actually read it.

6. Most Underrated Post: Hm. As Kirsten said on her blog, anything I put here is going to sound arrogant. I guess I put a lot of time into this post about a movie adaption of my blog, this one with pictures of HFGs and quotes (that I made myself), this post about weird search terms, and this post where I made a giant collage of all my role models (real and fictional).

7. And finally, Most Pride-Worthy Post: Whenever I write a really good parody, I’m pretty proud of it. My favorite parodies I’ve written are Grenade by Bruno Mars, Last Friday Night by Katy Perry, Ridin’ Solo by Jeson DeRulo (haha, I’d forgotten that one, about Rolos), and Dance or Die by Family Force Five.

Now to award it to seven people!

1) Faith from The Love of Words. Her blog is clever, funny, thoughtful, and high-quality. She puts time into everything she writes and it really shows.

2) Anna from Me Vs. The Normal People. If I had a zebragus for every time I’ve laughed out loud while reading your blog, I’d have a stable full of zebragai and we could go Nyan-catting. (Is that a verb? It is now.) Also, she’s my role model as an artist.

3) Mike from The Mike/Mitch Project. Not only has he been a hugely encouraging blogging buddy for Postaday this year, his insightful posts about cooking “damn good food” have inspired me to pick up the spatula on more than one occasion. (My sister and I made vegetarian sloppy joes yesterday, from scratch[ish]!)

4) Bushmaid from… well…. Bushmaid. (Also, Praiseworthy Book Reviews.) I don’t comment nearly enough, but I read everything she writes. She’s probably the most inspiring person I’ve never met, and I love her to death.

5) Olivia from The House on the Rock. Another blog that I stalk too much without commenting– she’s so insightful and positive, and always willing to help. Go check her out!

6) Mercy from Not At All Stupid. I love my twin. She writes brilliantly, is knowledgable about everything, and she’s the most well-read teenager I’ve ever met. She’s read over 160 books just this year!

7) Hithere298 from Laughablog. He hasn’t posted in a while (dude, not cool! How will I be awesome if you won’t teach me?), but his darker, drier sense of humor makes me laugh every time. Sometimes I’ll go back and reread posts just because they’re insanely hilarious.

And I didn’t want to repeat nominations, so consider yourself doubly awarded if you got nominated by Pherisphena or Kisten.

About Aloha

A teen writer and future world ruler. Llamas make me happy.
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17 Responses to 7×7 Blog Award

  1. I was all ‘read that, read that. Oooh, really liked that post. Read that as well… Hm read all these. Yay now the cool part! Checking out other peoples blogs. Blog number one… Who’s Fai- *jaw drops* Hey that’s me!” XD Basically thank you sooo much. I’m honored. And hey, you beat me to an award before I could tag you in it! 😛 Now who am I going to tag?

    • Aloha says:

      🙂 I’m glad you like it! You totally deserve it.

      Trust me, there are plenty of incredible bloggers that I didn’t mention. I’m sure you’ll figure something out!

  2. BushMaid says:

    Awwwww! Thankyou Aloha my lovely! 😀 *hugs* Just knowing you read my blog is an honour!

    • Aloha says:


      My mom clicked on your blog, and she adores you now. If we ever go to Australia on vacation, she’s kidnapping you and we get to be sisters. Kay?

      • BushMaid says:

        *laughs!* If she kidnaps me, you may end up with an extra six siblings to boot! 😉 *is very honoured Aloha’s Mum reads her blog* 😀

  3. Olivia says:

    Aw, thank you Aloha! I guess we’re mutual blog stalkers–I really ought to comment more here (and every other blog…), but you’re so awesome you leave me speechless, what can I say? XD

    I shall try to get to this before the season changes… as tends to happen with most of my awards… *guilty look*

  4. annanm says:

    Thanks, Aloha! We definitely need to go Nyan-Catting together. Would you like the original nyan or tacnyan? Or in other words, pop tart or waffle?

  5. Mercy says:

    Thank you so much!
    Really? You think I write brilliantly? Aww, shucks. *blushes*
    And I’m the most well-read teen you’ve ever met? Me? Wow. I’m honored. *no sarcasm*
    I will most likely not get to this award before November is over. But I WILL get to this one! I promise!
    You film the wombat, Aloha.

  6. Pingback: The 7th Seal of Approval « The Mike/Mitch Project

  7. melsar93 says:

    Were the sloppy joes tasty? I need some recipes for Vegetarian week – which starts tomorrow

    • Aloha says:

      Mm, I have about seventeen thousand vegetarian cookbooks, and there are at least two meals that you HAVE to make. I’ll send them to you tonight (after dinner and homework).

  8. Pingback: Seven Blogs for Seven Bloggers « The Mike/Mitch Project

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